Google analytics is a tool to track visits on your site. It gives the site owner an idea about the usage of the site, how the site is used, most commonly used pages, frequent visitors, how they arrived , how do the users navigate on the site, all time visitor count and numerous other features.
Steps to get Analytic file to your site
1. Browse to google analytics home page.
2. Create your free google analytics account. If you already have gmail account you can use that to sign in.
3.After you login in , you will have to open Admin tab. Then click on New Account.
4.Enter you website name, this will be referred as title. Enter actual url of the site.
Other settings are optional. Click on Get Tracking ID button and accept the License Agreement.
5. After this you will see a small code snippet which says -"This is your tracking code. Copy and paste it into the code of every page you want to track.". Embed this code in your website pages to start tracking visits on your site.
6. You will see that there is a tracking id specified starting with
UA- <unique number set for you> - <serial number>.
This entire combination of characters specifies that this tracking number is utilized uniquely for your site.
7.By this step, you will see Reporting tab. This opens audience overview page. It give reports for "% of visits". However data is not populated immediately for a freshly created site.
8. In order to verify if your site is setup properly, click on Real time in left navigation and open overview page. Then browse your site in another tab. Switch to google analytics tab keeping you site open. You should be able to see the active visitors count increasing in Right now section.
Google Analytics provides vital data about your website. This article shows you how to set up Google Analytics in just a few simple steps. this post